Prophet Muhammad (SAW)*

* Muslims are obligated to say sallallahu alayhi wa sallam (SAW), which means peace and blessings be upon him, whenever they mention Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was born in the holy city of Mecca in the year 570 AD.

The Prophet's (SAW) early life & family
  • His father's name was Abdullah bin Al-Mutallib.

  • His mother's name was Aaminah bint Wahb.

  • He was an only child.

  • He belonged to the Bani Hashim clan of the Quraysh tribe in Mecca. They were very powerful and controlled the Kaaba at that time.

  • The Prophet's (SAW) father passed away shortly after he was born, and his mother passed away when he was just 6 years old.

  • He had a wet nurse named Halima bint Abi Dhuab, who took care of the Prophet (SAW) until he was 2 years old. The Prophet (SAW) was very fond of Halima and always showed her kindness and respect when he got older.

  • His grandfather was Abd ul Muttalib, who took care of him after his mother passed away.

  • When the Prophet (SAW) was 8 years old, his grandfather also passed away. His uncle Abu Talib, who then became the leader of the Banu Hashim clan, raised and protected him.

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) had 4 daughters.

He (SAW) also had three sons who all died in childhood:

Marriage and Children

The Prophet's (SAW) first marriage was to Khadeejah bint Khuwaylid, and they were married for 25 years. She was a wealthy widow, and she had employed Prophet Muhammad (SAW) to take her caravans for trading. She was so impressed by his honesty and hard work that she sent him a proposal of marriage, which He accepted.

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and Khadeejah were married for 25 years, and she passed away in the year 619.

After Khadeeja's death, the prophet (SAW) married some more great women in Islam. The wives of the Prophet (SAW) are known as the 'Mothers of the Believers'. Some of them include Sawdah bint Zam’ah, Aishah bint Abu Bakr, Hafsah bint Umar, Umm Habibah and Juwayriah bint Al-Harith.

  1. Zaynab

  2. Umm-e-Kulsoom

  3. Ruqaiyah

  4. Fatimah

  1. Qasim

  2. Abdullah

  3. Ibraheem

The Prophet's (SAW) Character

The Prophet (SAW) had excellent character throughout his life. He was always reliable and honest. He always showed kindness to others and gave to those in need. He was patient, kind, gracious, compassionate, and merciful. He was brave and courageous.

  • Even though our Prophet (SAW) was the leader of all humankind, he was always humble and modest.

  • The Prophet (SAW) was a man of simplicity and humility. There was nothing luxurious in his life; he lived in very simple quarters with very few material possessions.

  • He would give his full attention to anyone addressing him. He never belittled anyone, including his enemies.

  • He would spend long periods in silence and only talk when necessary. He was always welcoming to his guests.

  • The Prophet (SAW) was also very kind to animals and forbade any cruelty towards them.


Cave Hira is on a mountain called "Jabal-un-Noor" or "Mountain of Light". It is in Makkah, Saudi Arabia.

The Prophet (SAW) used to spend time in Cave Hira even before he became a prophet. One night, the angel Jibreel paid him a visit at the Cave.

Angel Jibreel asked the Prophet (SAW) to read, but The Prophet (SAW) had never learned to read or write. He replied that he could not read. The Angel Jibreel asked again and the Prophet (SAW) replied the same. After the third time, Angel Jibreel revealed the first 5 ayat (verses) of the Holy Quran. These verses were from Surah Alaq and are as follows:

ٱقۡرَأۡ بِٱسۡمِ رَبِّكَ ٱلَّذِي خَلَقَ

Read, in the name of your Lord who created –

خَلَقَ ٱلۡإِنسَٰنَ مِنۡ عَلَقٍ

Created man from a clinging clot.

ٱقۡرَأۡ وَرَبُّكَ ٱلۡأَكۡرَمُ

Read, and your Lord is the most Generous –

ٱلَّذِي عَلَّمَ بِٱلۡقَلَمِ

Who taught by the pen

عَلَّمَ ٱلۡإِنسَٰنَ مَا لَمۡ يَعۡلَمۡ

Taught man that which he knew not.

After receiving the first revelation from Allah Almighty, the Prophet (SAW) was scared and shaken up. He went home to his wife, Khadeejah, and told her everything. She comforted him and told him that Allah Almighty would take care of him.

The Night Journey (Al Isra wa al Mi'raj)

On the 27th of the Islamic month of Rajab, our beloved Prophet (SAW) embarked on the famous night journey to Masjid Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem and the heavens. This is known as Al Isra’ Wal Mi’raj, also known as ‘Isra and Mi’raj’ or ‘Shab-e-Meraj’.

The night journey of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is divided into two stages: Al-Isra, the earthly night journey from Mecca to Jerusalem, and Al-Miraj, the ascension from Jerusalem to the heavens.

The Ascension: Al-Miraj

In Miraj, the second part of the journey, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) ascended to the seven stages of heaven with Angel Jibreel, where he met and spoke to different prophets.

Understanding the Journey: Al-Isra

The Prophet's (SAW) journey began from the house of Umm-e-Hani, near the Kaaba in Mecca. Angel Jibreel presented him with the Buraq, a mystical horse-like animal capable of going great distances in the blink of an eye. He rode the Buraq to the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem.
Here, he met the 124,000 prophets and messengers who had come before him and led them all in prayer.

On this night, the Prophet (SAW) was presented with two vessels, one full of wine and the other full of milk, to choose from. The Prophet (SAW) chose the vessel full of milk. The Angel Jibreel said, “All praise is due to Allah Almighty, who has guided you to that which is natural, for had you selected the wine, your nation would have been led astray.” This was a test from Allah Almighty, which he passed.

After that, they reached Sidrat al-Muntaha (the Lote Tree of the Ultimate Limit), a boundary beyond which no creation can pass. Here, the Prophet (SAW) was graced with an audience with Allah Almighty. This is when he received the command for five daily prayers for Muslims, an important pillar of Islam.

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) died in the year 632 AD, the 11th year of Hijrah, in the city of Al-Madinah al-Munawwara. He is buried in Masjid Al-Nabawi (The Prophet's (SAW) Mosque) in present-day Saudi Arabia.

Death of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

The Prophet's (SAW) Mosque in Madinah

What does 'Sunnah' mean?

Sunnah means the way of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Everything he said, did, and approved of is included in it.

How do we know Sunnah?

Islamic law is derived from the Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). We know the Sunnah from statements called 'Hadiths' that have been passed down from the Prophet's (SAW) companions.